Wednesday, October 31, 2012

1210.8108 (Clóves G. Rodrigues et al.)

Response Function Theory for Many-Body Systems away-from Equilibrium:
Conditions of Ultrafast-Time and Ultrasmall-Space Experimental Resolution

Clóves G. Rodrigues, Áurea R. Vasconcellos, José Galvão Ramos, Roberto Luzzi

1210.7843 (Muir J. Morrison et al.)

Unhappy Vertices in Artificial Spin Ice: Degeneracy from

Muir J. Morrison, Tammie R. Nelson, Cristiano Nisoli

1210.7845 (Christian R. Scullard et al.)

Potts critical frontiers of inhomogeneous and asymmetric bow-tie

Christian R. Scullard, Jesper Lykke Jacobsen

1210.7892 (Bongsoo Kim et al.)

Structural Fluctuation of Protein in Water around Its Native State: A
New Statistical Mechanics Formulation

Bongsoo Kim, Fumio Hirata

1210.7983 (A Bedini et al.)

Semi-flexible interacting self-avoiding trails on the square lattice    [PDF]

A Bedini, A L Owczarek, T Prellberg

1210.8020 (Sergei Fedotov et al.)

Random death process for the regularization of subdiffusive anomalous

Sergei Fedotov, Steven Falconer

1210.8028 (Quntao Zhuang et al.)

Dynamical topology and statistical properties of spatiotemporal chaos    [PDF]

Quntao Zhuang, Xun Gao, Qi Ouyang, Hongli Wang

1210.8040 (Julien Barre et al.)

On algebraic damping close to inhomogeneous Vlasov equilibria in
multi-dimensional spaces

Julien Barre, Yoshiyuki Y Yamaguchi

1210.8060 (Nils Haug et al.)

Combinatorics of lattice animals by simple group-theoretic approach    [PDF]

Nils Haug, Sergei Nechaev

1210.8085 (Hiroshi Matsuoka)

The principle of microreversibility and the fluctuation relations for
quantum systems driven out of equilibrium

Hiroshi Matsuoka

1210.8134 (R. Zach Lamberty et al.)

Classical Topological Order in Abelian and Non-Abelian Generalized
Height Models

R. Zach Lamberty, Christopher L. Henley, Stefanos Papanikolaou

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

1210.7235 (G. A. P. Ribeiro et al.)

Bethe ansatz for the Temperley-Lieb spin-chain with integrable open

G. A. P. Ribeiro, A. Lima-Santos

1210.7745 (Andrei N. Yakunin)

Self-organising Dissipative Polymer Structures    [PDF]

Andrei N. Yakunin

1210.7284 (Ruoshi Yuan et al.)

Exact Mapping Noisy van der Pol Type Oscillator onto Quasi-symplectic

Ruoshi Yuan, Xinan Wang, Yian Ma, Bo Yuan, Ping Ao

1210.7304 (Silvio Franz et al.)

Static replica approach to critical correlations in glassy systems    [PDF]

Silvio Franz, Hugo Jacquin, Giorgio Parisi, Pierfrancesco Urbani, Francesco Zamponi

1210.7323 (Tapan Mishra et al.)

Phases and phase transitions of hard-core bosons on a triangular ladder    [PDF]

Tapan Mishra, Ramesh V. Pai, Subroto Mukerjee, Arun Paramekanti

1210.7328 (Ferenc Igloi et al.)

Nonequilibrium quench dynamics in quantum quasicrystals    [PDF]

Ferenc Igloi, Gergo Roosz, Yu-Cheng Lin

1210.7411 (Chiaki Yamaguchi)

Proposal of a Checking Parameter in the Simulated Annealing Method
Applied to the Spin Glass Model

Chiaki Yamaguchi

1210.7433 (Moshe Gitterman et al.)

Mass Dependence of Instabilities of an Oscillator with Multiplicative
and Additive Noise

Moshe Gitterman, David A. Kessler

1210.7486 (Santiago A. Pighin et al.)

Finite temperature phase diagram of ultrathin magnetic films without
external fields

Santiago A. Pighin, Orlando V. Billoni, Sergio A. Cannas

1210.7498 (Kun Zhao et al.)

Percolation on interacting, antagonistic networks    [PDF]

Kun Zhao, Ginestra Bianconi

1210.7545 (Takayuki Narumi et al.)

Memory function on turbulent fluctuations in soft-mode turbulence    [PDF]

Takayuki Narumi, Junichi Yoshitani, Masaru Suzuki, Yoshiki Hidaka, Fahrudin Nugroho, Tomoyuki Nagaya, Shoichi Kai

1210.7607 (Arvind Narayanaswamy et al.)

Entropy density and entropy flux in near-field thermal radiation    [PDF]

Arvind Narayanaswamy, Yi Zheng

1210.7633 (S. Ji et al.)

Equilibration of quantum hard rods in one dimension    [PDF]

S. Ji, C. Ates, J. P. Garrahan, I. Lesanovsky

1210.7647 (Shraddha Sharma et al.)

Study of Loschmidt Echo for two-dimensional Kitaev model    [PDF]

Shraddha Sharma, Atanu Rajak

1210.7753 (O. Bohigas et al.)

Structure of trajectories of complex matrix eigenvalues in the
Hermitian-non-Hermitian transition

O. Bohigas, J. X. De Carvalho, M. P. Pato

Monday, October 29, 2012

1210.7092 (A. Bedini et al.)

Self-avoiding trails with nearest neighbour interactions on the square

A. Bedini, A. L. Owczarek, T. Prellberg

1210.7098 (D. H. Santamore et al.)

Vibrationally-mediated molecular transistors    [PDF]

D. H. Santamore, Neill Lambert, Franco Nori

1210.7108 (G. E. Johnstone et al.)

The ground state in a half-doped manganite distinguished by neutron

G. E. Johnstone, T. G. Perring, O. Sikora, D. Prabhakaran, A. T. Boothroyd

1210.7124 (Matteo Marcuzzi et al.)

Collective non-equilibrium dynamics at surfaces and the spatio-temporal

Matteo Marcuzzi, Andrea Gambassi, Michel Pleimling

1210.7135 (Prashant Kumar et al.)

Geodesics in Information Geometry : Classical and Quantum Phase

Prashant Kumar, Subhash Mahapatra, Prabwal Phukon, Tapobrata Sarkar

1210.7142 (Mariusz Bialecki)

An explanation of the shape of the universal curve of the Scaling Law
for the Earthquake Recurrence Time Distributions

Mariusz Bialecki

1210.7143 (Nicolas Crampe et al.)

Quantum spins on star graphs and the Kondo model    [PDF]

Nicolas Crampe, Andrea Trombettoni

1210.7169 (C. A. Linhares et al.)

Spontaneous symmetry restoration in a field theory at finite chemical
potential in a toroidal topology

C. A. Linhares, A. P. C. Malbouisson, J. M. C. Malbouisson, I. Roditi

1210.7196 (A. Bedini et al.)

Weighting of topologically different interactions in a model of
two-dimensional polymer collapse

A. Bedini, A. L. Owczarek, T. Prellberg

Thursday, October 25, 2012

1210.6436 (Eitan Y. Levine et al.)

Impact of Colored Environmental Noise on the Extinction of a Long-Lived
Stochastic Population: the Role of Allee Effect

Eitan Y. Levine, Baruch Meerson

1210.6448 (Jordan M. Horowitz et al.)

Imitating Chemical Motors with Optimal Information Motors    [PDF]

Jordan M. Horowitz, Takahiro Sagawa, Juan M. R. Parrondo

1210.6481 (Ricardo Lopez-Ruiz)

Complex Systems with Trivial Dynamics    [PDF]

Ricardo Lopez-Ruiz

1210.6505 (Satoru G. Itoh et al.)

Replica-Permutation Method with the Suwa-Todo Algorithm beyond the
Replica-Exchange Method

Satoru G. Itoh, Hisashi Okumura

1210.6537 (Jason Cantarella et al.)

The Expected Total Curvature of Random Polygons    [PDF]

Jason Cantarella, Alexander Y Grosberg, Robert B. Kusner, Clayton Shonkwiler

1210.6589 (Rudolf Gorenflo et al.)

Random walk models approximating symmetric space-fractional diffusion

Rudolf Gorenflo, Francesco Mainardi

1210.6617 (John Y. Fu)

On the Landau theory of phase transitions    [PDF]

John Y. Fu

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

1206.2750 (Geoffrey L. Sewell)

Macrostatistics and Fluctuating Hydrodynamics    [PDF]

Geoffrey L. Sewell

1210.6044 (Andrew Lucas et al.)

Multistable binary decision making on networks    [PDF]

Andrew Lucas, Ching Hua Lee

1210.6073 (Patrick Charbonneau et al.)

Stokes-Einstein relation violation and the upper critical dimension of
the glass transition

Patrick Charbonneau, Giorgio Parisi, Francesco Zamponi

1210.6116 (Yukihiro Komura et al.)

Large-scale Monte Carlo simulation of two-dimensional classical XY model
using multiple GPUs

Yukihiro Komura, Yutaka Okabe

1210.6238 (V. D. Borman et al.)

Stability of a Nonwetting Liquid in a Nanoporous Medium    [PDF]

V. D. Borman, A. A. Belogorlov, V. A. Byrkin, V. N. Tronin, V. I. Troyan

1210.6248 (Yuan Huang et al.)

Two-dimensional Potts antiferromagnets with a phase transition at
arbitrarily large q

Yuan Huang, Kun Chen, Youjin Deng, Jesper Lykke Jacobsen, Roman Kotecký, Jesús Salas, Alan D. Sokal, Jan M. Swart

1210.6306 (J Javier Brey et al.)

Adiabatic piston in a temperature gradient    [PDF]

J Javier Brey, Nagi Khalil

1210.6316 (Pierre de Buyl)

Out-of-equilibrium dynamics in systems with long-range interactions:
characterizing quasi-stationary states

Pierre de Buyl

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

1210.5519 (Sylvain Capponi et al.)

p6 - Chiral Resonating Valence Bonds in the Kagome Antiferomagnet    [PDF]

Sylvain Capponi, V. Ravi Chandra, Assa Auerbach, Marvin Weinstein

1210.5527 (Paul Fendley et al.)

Fibonacci topological order from quantum nets    [PDF]

Paul Fendley, Sergei V. Isakov, Matthias Troyer

1210.5592 (Maxime Champion et al.)

Gravitation in the Microcanonical Ensemble: Appropriate Scaling Leading
to Extensivity and Thermalization

Maxime Champion, Angel Alastuey, Thierry Dauxois, Stefano Ruffo

1210.5618 (Tomoshige Miyaguchi et al.)

Ergodic properties of continuous-time random walks: finite-size effects
and ensemble dependences

Tomoshige Miyaguchi, Takuma Akimoto

1210.5661 (Philipp Strasberg et al.)

Hardwiring a Maxwell demon    [PDF]

Philipp Strasberg, Gernot Schaller, Tobias Brandes, Massimiliano Esposito

1210.5665 (Maria Rita Fumagalli et al.)

Speed of evolution in large asexual populations with diminishing returns    [PDF]

Maria Rita Fumagalli, Matteo Osella, Philippe Thomen, Francois Heslot, Marco Cosentino Lagomarsino

1210.5707 (Hon Wai Lau et al.)

Information theoretic aspects of the two-dimensional Ising model    [PDF]

Hon Wai Lau, Peter Grasberger

1210.5744 (E. Kogan)

All approaches to RKKY interaction in graphene are equal, but some
approaches are more equal than others

E. Kogan

1210.5793 (Daun Jeong et al.)

Reconstructing Equilibrium Entropy and Enthalpy Profiles from
Non-equilibrium Pulling

Daun Jeong, Ioan Andricioaei

1210.5798 (Fei Liu)

Operator equality on entropy production in quantum Markovian master

Fei Liu

1210.5819 (Jacopo Grilli et al.)

Absence of Detailed Balance in Ecology    [PDF]

Jacopo Grilli, Sandro Azaele, Jayanth R. Banavar, Amos Maritan

1210.5821 (Peter Reimann)

Equilibration of Isolated Macroscopic Quantum Systems under
Experimentally Realistic Conditions

Peter Reimann

1210.5843 (E. Trizac et al.)

Like-charge colloidal attraction: a simple argument    [PDF]

E. Trizac, L. Samaj

1210.5853 (Qi Zhou et al.)

The Fate of Bose-Einstein Condensate in the Presence of Spin-Orbit

Qi Zhou, Xiaoling Cui

1210.5871 (T. Guérin et al.)

Reactive conformations and non-Markovian reaction kinetics of a Rouse
polymer searching for a target in confinement

T. Guérin, O. Bénichou, R. Voituriez

1210.5900 (Minoru Biyajima et al.)

Analysis of residual spectra and the monopole spectrum for 3 K blackbody
radiation by means of non-extensive thermostatistics

Minoru Biyajima, Takuya Mizoguchi

1210.5915 (Luce Prignano et al.)

Tuning synchronization of integrate-and-fire oscillators through

Luce Prignano, Oleguer Sagarra, Albert Díaz-Guilera

1210.5919 (R. Vasseur et al.)

Phase Diagram of Ferroelastic Systems in the Presence of Disorder:
Analytical Model and Experimental Verification

R. Vasseur, D. Xue, Y. Zhou, W. Ettoumi, X. Ding, X. Ren, T. Lookman

1210.5952 (Silvio Franz et al.)

Finite-size critical fluctuations in microscopic models of mode-coupling

Silvio Franz, Mauro Sellitto

Monday, October 22, 2012

1210.5338 (Cyril Furtlehner et al.)

Pairwise MRF Calibration by Perturbation of the Bethe Reference Point    [PDF]

Cyril Furtlehner, Yufei Han, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes, Victorin Martin

1210.5346 (C. S. Dias et al.)

Nonequilibrium growth of patchy-colloid networks on substrates    [PDF]

C. S. Dias, N. A. M. Araújo, M. M. Telo da Gama

1210.5359 (Pasquale Calabrese et al.)

Entanglement negativity in extended systems: A field theoretical

Pasquale Calabrese, John Cardy, Erik Tonni

1210.5381 (Ágnes Antal et al.)

Two-dimensional magnetism in kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Cl, a spin-1/2
Heisenberg antiferromagnet with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction

Ágnes Antal, Titusz Fehér, Bálint Náfrádi, László Forró, András Jánossy

1210.5400 (Satya N. Majumdar et al.)

Large deviations of the top eigenvalue of large Cauchy random matrices    [PDF]

Satya N. Majumdar, Gregory Schehr, Dario Villamaina, Pierpaolo Vivo

1210.5407 (Fabien Paillusson et al.)

Probing ergodicity in granular matter    [PDF]

Fabien Paillusson, Daan Frenkel

1210.5453 (Hai Tao Wang et al.)

Topological quantum phase transition in bond-alternating spin-1/2
Heisenberg chains

Hai Tao Wang, Bo Li, Sam Young Cho

1210.5499 (R. Chandrashekar et al.)

Adiabatic thermostatistics of the two parameter entropy and the role of
Lambert's W-function in its applications

R. Chandrashekar, J. Segar

Friday, October 19, 2012

1210.4774 (Hosho Katsura et al.)

Nagaoka states in the SU($n$) Hubbard model    [PDF]

Hosho Katsura, Akinori Tanaka

1210.4990 (Adnan Ali et al.)

Scale invariant growth processes in expanding space    [PDF]

Adnan Ali, Robin C. Ball, Stefan Grosskinsky, Ellak Somfai

1210.5036 (Jan de Gier et al.)

Discrete holomorphicity and integrability in loop models with open

Jan de Gier, Alexander Lee, Jorgen Rasmussen

1210.5053 (Ryoji Miyazaki et al.)

Real-space renormalization group approach to the random transverse-field
Ising model in finite dimensions

Ryoji Miyazaki, Hidetoshi Nishimori

1210.5068 (Christian Maes et al.)

From Langevin to generalized Langevin equations for nonequilibrium Rouse

Christian Maes, Simi R. Thomas

1210.5071 (Bernhard Altaner)

Stochastic Thermodynamics, Reversible Dynamical Systems and Information

Bernhard Altaner

1210.5108 (David Bousquet et al.)

Free energy landscapes for the thermodynamic understanding of
adsorption-induced deformations and structural transitions in porous

David Bousquet, François-Xavier Coudert, Anne Boutin

1210.5189 (Yao-ban Chan et al.)

Accurate lower bounds on two-dimensional constraint capacities from
corner transfer matrices

Yao-ban Chan, Andrew Rechnitzer

Thursday, October 18, 2012

1201.2030 (Shintaro Takayoshi et al.)

Mass ratio of elementary excitations in frustrated antiferromagnetic
chains with dimerization

Shintaro Takayoshi, Masaki Oshikawa

1210.4555 (V. Popkov)

Alternation of sign of magnetization current in driven XXZ chains with
twisted XY boundary gradients

V. Popkov

1210.4671 (István A. Kovács et al.)

Corner contribution to percolation cluster numbers    [PDF]

István A. Kovács, Ferenc Iglói, John Cardy

1210.4682 (Federico Corberi et al.)

Dynamic fluctuations in unfrustrated systems: random walks, scalar
fields and the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase

Federico Corberi, Leticia F. Cugliandolo

1210.4731 (Zeinab Sadjadi et al.)

Scaling theory for spontaneous imbibition in random networks of
elongated pores

Zeinab Sadjadi, Heiko Rieger

1210.4780 (Eric Bertin)

Aging in the trap model as a relaxation further away from equilibrium    [PDF]

Eric Bertin

1210.4834 (Scott Beattie et al.)

Persistent currents in spinor condensates    [PDF]

Scott Beattie, Stuart Moulder, Richard J. Fletcher, Zoran Hadzibabic

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

1110.1307 (Hiroshi Matsuoka)

Thermodynamic model for the glass transition: deeply supercooled liquids
as mixtures of solid-like and liquid-like micro-regions

Hiroshi Matsuoka

1210.4233 (Debabrata Sinha et al.)

Annealing of supersolidity in plastically deformed solid $^4$He    [PDF]

Debabrata Sinha, Surajit Sengupta, Chandan Dasgupta, Oriol T. Valls

1210.4278 (Takashi Imamura et al.)

Stationary correlations for the 1D KPZ equation    [PDF]

Takashi Imamura, Tomohiro Sasamoto

1210.4351 (Max Potters et al.)

Sampling microcanonical measures of the 2D Euler equations through
Creutz's algorithm: a phase transition from disorder to order when energy is

Max Potters, Timothee Vaillant, Freddy Bouchet

1210.4380 (Aleksei V. Chechkin et al.)

Normal and Anomalous Fluctuation Relations for Gaussian Stochastic

Aleksei V. Chechkin, Friedrich Lenz, Rainer Klages

1210.4418 (Aljaz Godec et al.)

Finite-time effects and ultraweak ergodicity breaking in superdiffusive

Aljaz Godec, Ralf Metzler

1210.4432 (Tine Curk et al.)

Collective sedimentation of colloids in grafted polymer layers    [PDF]

Tine Curk, Francisco J. Martinez-Veracoechea, Daan Frenkel, Jure Dobnikar

1210.4438 (Gregory Schehr et al.)

Reunion probability of N vicious walkers: typical and large fluctuations
for large N

Gregory Schehr, Satya N. Majumdar, Alain Comtet, Peter J. Forrester

1210.4445 (Benoit Charbonneau et al.)

Geometrical Frustration and Static Correlations in Hard-Sphere Glass

Benoit Charbonneau, Patrick Charbonneau, Gilles Tarjus

1210.4471 (O. Yu. Sliusarenko et al.)

Stationary States in Bistable System Driven by Lévy Noise    [PDF]

O. Yu. Sliusarenko, D. A. Surkov, V. Yu. Gonchar, A. V. Chechkin

1210.4483 (Karina E. Avila et al.)

Fluctuations in the Time Variable and Dynamical Heterogeneity in
Glass-Forming Systems

Karina E. Avila, Horacio E. Castillo, Azita Parsaeian

1210.4486 (Olalla A. Castro-Alvaredo et al.)

Entanglement in permutation symmetric states, fractal dimensions, and
geometric quantum mechanics

Olalla A. Castro-Alvaredo, Benjamin Doyon

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

0905.4000 (Elisa Ercolessi et al.)

Exact entanglement entropy of the XYZ model and its sine-Gordon limit    [PDF]

Elisa Ercolessi, Stefano Evangelisti, Francesco Ravanini

1102.1581 (Juha Honkonen)

Ito and Stratonovich calculuses in stochastic field theory    [PDF]

Juha Honkonen

1109.5841 (Iván Calvo et al.)

Extreme value distributions and Renormalization Group    [PDF]

Iván Calvo, Juan C. Cuchí, José G. Esteve, Fernando Falceto

1205.5500 (Jacques Bloch)

A subset solution to the sign problem in random matrix simulations    [PDF]

Jacques Bloch

1210.3642 (Vladyslav A. Golyk et al.)

Small distance expansion for radiative heat transfer between curved

Vladyslav A. Golyk, Matthias Krüger, Alexander P. McCauley, Mehran Kardar

1210.3677 (Vladimir Lisy et al.)

On the correlation properties of thermal noise in fluids    [PDF]

Vladimir Lisy, Jana Tothova, Lukas Glod

1210.3704 (Jayson Paulose et al.)

Fluctuating shells under pressure    [PDF]

Jayson Paulose, Gerard A. Vliegenthart, Gerhard Gompper, David R. Nelson

1210.3737 (R. V. Romanik et al.)

A non-classical van der Waals loop: Collective variables method    [PDF]

R. V. Romanik, M. P. Kozlovskii

1210.3773 (Roy Ceder et al.)

Fluctuations in the relaxation dynamics of mixed chaotic systems    [PDF]

Roy Ceder, Oded Agam

1210.3781 (Peter Young)

Everything you wanted to know about Data Analysis and Fitting but were
afraid to ask

Peter Young

1210.3618 (Ronald Fisch)

Evidence of Long Range Order in the Riemann Zeta Function    [PDF]

Ronald Fisch

1210.3788 (Or Cohen et al.)

Ensemble inequivalence : Landau theory and the ABC model    [PDF]

Or Cohen, David Mukamel

1210.3827 (Stefan Grosskinsky et al.)

Dynamics of condensation in the symmetric inclusion process    [PDF]

Stefan Grosskinsky, Frank Redig, Kiamars Vafayi

1210.3899 (Òscar Iglesias)

Time dependent phenomena in nanoparticle assemblies    [PDF]

Òscar Iglesias

1210.3914 (X. P. Qin et al.)

Depinning phase transition in two-dimensional clock model with quenched

X. P. Qin, B. Zheng, N. J. Zhou

1210.3934 (Juha Honkonen)

Functional Methods in Stochastic Systems    [PDF]

Juha Honkonen

1210.3961 (Martin Hasenbusch)

Thermodynamic Casimir Forces between a Sphere and a Plate: Monte Carlo
Simulation of a Spin Model

Martin Hasenbusch

1210.3976 (Andrea Di Stefano et al.)

A perturbative probabilistic approach to quantum many-body systems    [PDF]

Andrea Di Stefano, Massimo Ostilli, Carlo Presilla

1210.4017 (Shoichi Toyabe et al.)

Nanosized free-energy transducer F1-ATPase achieves 100% efficiency at
finite time operation

Shoichi Toyabe, Eiro Muneyuki

1210.4028 (Stefano Evangelisti)

Semi-classical theory for quantum quenches in the O(3) non-linear sigma

Stefano Evangelisti

1210.4032 (L. Samaj et al.)

The Wigner Strong-Coupling approach    [PDF]

L. Samaj, E. Trizac

1210.4036 (Yong Wang et al.)

Optimal Control of Stochastic Magnetization Dynamics by Spin Current    [PDF]

Yong Wang, Fu-Chun Zhang

1210.4037 (A. Codello et al.)

O(N)-Universality Classes and the Mermin-Wagner Theorem    [PDF]

A. Codello, G. D'Odorico

1210.4082 (A. Campa et al.)

Caloric curves fitted by polytropic distributions in the HMF model    [PDF]

A. Campa, P. H. Chavanis

1210.4092 (Marcelo R. Ubriaco)

Geometry of Quantum Group invariant systems    [PDF]

Marcelo R. Ubriaco

1210.4109 (Shuichi Yokoyama)

Chern-Simons-Fermion Vector Model with Chemical Potential    [PDF]

Shuichi Yokoyama

1210.4111 (Lorenzo Pucci et al.)

Entropy Production in Quantum Brownian Motion    [PDF]

Lorenzo Pucci, Massimiliano Esposito, Luca Peliti

1210.4124 (Oleg Lychkovskiy)

Resolution into subsystems, decoherence and thermalization    [PDF]

Oleg Lychkovskiy

Monday, October 15, 2012

1107.2289 (Léonie Canet et al.)

Non-perturbative renormalisation group for the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang
equation: general framework and first applications

Léonie Canet, Hugues Chaté, Bertrand Delamotte, Nicolás Wschebor

1209.2428 (Matthew Headrick et al.)

Bose-Fermi duality and entanglement entropies    [PDF]

Matthew Headrick, Albion Lawrence, Matthew M. Roberts

1210.3372 (Si Chen et al.)

Statistical mechanics of graph models and their implications for
emergent manifolds

Si Chen, Steven S. Plotkin

1210.3378 (S. G. J. Mochrie et al.)

Unwinding and rewinding the nucleosome inner turn: Force dependence of
the kinetic rate constants

S. G. J. Mochrie, A. H. Mack, D. J. Schlingman, R. Collins, M. Kamenetska, L. Regan

1210.3383 (Zochil González Arenas et al.)

Hidden symmetries and equilibrium properties of multiplicative
white-noise stochastic processes

Zochil González Arenas, Daniel G. Barci

1210.3391 (Artur O. Lopes et al.)

Entropy and Variational Principle for one-dimensional Lattice Systems
with a general a-priori measure: positive and zero temperature

Artur O. Lopes, Jairo K. Mengue, Joana Mohr, Rafael R. Souza

1210.3450 (Hiroshi Watanabe et al.)

Huge-scale Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Multibubble Nuclei    [PDF]

Hiroshi Watanabe, Masaru Suzuki, Nobuyasu Ito

1210.3463 (Hao Hu et al.)

Percolation in the canonical ensemble    [PDF]

Hao Hu, Henk W. J. Blöte, Youjin Deng

Friday, October 12, 2012

1201.3706 (Gorky Shaw et al.)

Visualizing a dilute vortex liquid to solid phase transition in a
Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 single crystal

Gorky Shaw, Pabitra Mandal, S. S. Banerjee, T. Tamegai

1210.3042 (Thomas Speck et al.)

Large deviation function for the entropy production: Optimal trajectory
and role of fluctuations

Thomas Speck, Andreas Engel, Udo Seifert

1210.3071 (Stephen Martis et al.)

Exotic Ground States of Directional Pair Potentials via
Collective-Density Variables

Stephen Martis, Étienne Marcotte, Frank H. Stillinger, Salvatore Torquato

1210.3088 (A. F. Kemper et al.)

Mapping of the unoccupied states and relevant bosonic modes via the time
dependent momentum distribution

A. F. Kemper, M. Sentef, B. Moritz, C. C. Kao, Z. X. Shen, J. K. Freericks, T. P. Devereaux

1210.3175 (Szilard Boda et al.)

Spontaneous synchronization of metronomes on a freely rotating platform    [PDF]

Szilard Boda, Zoltan Neda, Botond Tyukodi, Arthur Tunyagi

1210.3246 (Raghunath Chelakkot et al.)

Flow-Induced Helical Coiling of Semiflexible Polymers in Structured

Raghunath Chelakkot, Roland G. Winkler, Gerhard Gompper

1210.3341 (Andrea Gambassi et al.)

Large deviations and universality in quantum quenches    [PDF]

Andrea Gambassi, Alessandro Silva

Thursday, October 11, 2012

1012.0065 (Pascal O. Vontobel)

Counting in Graph Covers: A Combinatorial Characterization of the Bethe
Entropy Function

Pascal O. Vontobel

1202.3651 (Arvind Ayyer et al.)

New enumeration formulas for alternating sign matrices and square ice
partition functions

Arvind Ayyer, Dan Romik

1210.2404 (Yanwen Shang)

Correlation functions in the holographic replica method    [PDF]

Yanwen Shang

1210.2749 (Aaron Santos et al.)

Kinetic Pathways of the DNA Melting Transition    [PDF]

Aaron Santos, William Klein

1210.2761 (E. J. Janse van Rensburg et al.)

The pressure exerted by adsorbing directed lattice paths and staircase

E. J. Janse van Rensburg, T. Prellberg

1210.2786 (Zoran Levnajić)

Evolutionary design of non-frustrated networks of phase-repulsive

Zoran Levnajić

1210.2791 (Luca D'Alessio et al.)

Many-body energy localization transition in periodically driven systems    [PDF]

Luca D'Alessio, Anatoli Polkovnikov

1210.2798 (Huanan Li et al.)

Cumulants of heat transfer in nonlinear quantum systems    [PDF]

Huanan Li, Bijay Kumar Agarwalla, Baowen Li, Jian-Sheng Wang

1210.2823 (Nicoletta Gnan et al.)

Generalized Fluctuation-Dissipation Relation and Effective Temperature
upon Heating a Deeply Supercooled Liquid

Nicoletta Gnan, Claudio Maggi, Giorgio Parisi, Francesco Sciortino

1210.2830 (Małgorzata Zubaszewska et al.)

Capillary condensation in a pore-like geometry    [PDF]

Małgorzata Zubaszewska, Andrej Gendiar, Andrzej Drzewiński

1210.2888 (MingLiang Zhang et al.)

Radiation fields for nanoscale systems    [PDF]

MingLiang Zhang, D. A. Drabold

1210.2904 (M. P. Pato et al.)

Distribution of Schmidt-like eigenvalues for Gaussian Ensembles of the
Random Matrix Theory

M. P. Pato, G. Oshanin

1210.2941 (C. Cammarota et al.)

On the fragility of the mean-field scenario of structural glasses for
finite-dimensional disordered spin models

C. Cammarota, G. Biroli, M. Tarzia, G. Tarjus

1210.3015 (Purushottam D. Dixit)

A maximum entropy thermodynamics for small systems    [PDF]

Purushottam D. Dixit

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

1108.4536 (Per Hyldgaard)

Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of interacting tunneling transport:
variational grand potential, density-functional formulation, and nature of
steady-state forces

Per Hyldgaard

1109.4391 (Alioscia Hamma et al.)

Quantum entanglement in random physical states    [PDF]

Alioscia Hamma, Siddhartha Santra, Paolo Zanardi

1210.2403 (Jason Iaconis et al.)

Detecting Classical Phase Transitions with Renyi Mutual Information    [PDF]

Jason Iaconis, Stephen Inglis, Ann B. Kallin, Roger G. Melko

1210.2444 (E. Arias et al.)

Thermodynamics of a charged scalar field in disordered media    [PDF]

E. Arias, G. Krein, G. Menezes, N. F. Svaiter

1210.2492 (Gianluca Ascolani et al.)

Exclusion processes: short range correlations induced by adhesion and
contact interactions

Gianluca Ascolani, Mathilde Badoual, Christophe Deroulers

1210.2512 (Andrea Pagnani et al.)

Very large scale simulations of the RSOS model in four dimensions    [PDF]

Andrea Pagnani, Giorgio Parisi

1210.2537 (Yuan Huang et al.)

The Hintermann-Merlini-Baxter-Wu and the Infinite-Coupling-Limit
Ashkin-Teller Models

Yuan Huang, Youjin Deng, Jesper Lykke Jacobsen, Jesus Salas

1210.2548 (Ian J. Ford et al.)

Symmetries of cyclic work distributions for an isolated harmonic

Ian J. Ford, David S. Minor, Simon J. Binnie

1210.2562 (Maximilian Schmitt et al.)

Modelling bacterial flagellar growth    [PDF]

Maximilian Schmitt, Holger Stark

1210.2592 (Ryuhei Mori et al.)

New Generalizations of the Bethe Approximation via Asymptotic Expansion    [PDF]

Ryuhei Mori, Toshiyuki Tanaka

1210.2607 (Igor Tikhonenkov et al.)

Minimal Fokker-Planck theory for the thermalization of mesoscopic

Igor Tikhonenkov, Amichay Vardi, James R. Anglin, Doron Cohen

1210.2625 (Thomas Kauê Dal'Maso Peron et al.)

Synchronization in clustered random networks    [PDF]

Thomas Kauê Dal'Maso Peron, Francisco Aparecido Rodrigues, Jürgen Kurths

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

1210.1961 (Mina Kim et al.)

Coarsening Dynamics of Nonequilibrium Chiral Ising Models    [PDF]

Mina Kim, Su-Chan Park, Jae Dong Noh

1210.1987 (Saroj Kumar Nandi et al.)

Yielding and large deviations in micellar gels: a model    [PDF]

Saroj Kumar Nandi, Bulbul Chakraborty, A. K. Sood, Sriram Ramaswamy

1210.2172 (Vladimir Mitev et al.)

The Tetrahedron Zamolodchikov Algebra and the AdS5 x S5 S-matrix    [PDF]

Vladimir Mitev, Matthias Staudacher, Zengo Tsuboi

1210.2176 (Xia-Ji Liu)

Virial expansion for a strongly correlated Fermi system and its
application to ultracold atomic Fermi gases

Xia-Ji Liu

1210.2224 (Alexander Iomin)

Superdiffusive comb: Application to experimental observation of
anomalous diffusion in one dimension

Alexander Iomin

1210.2232 (A. Iomin et al.)

Application of hyperbolic scaling for calculation of
reaction-subdiffusion front propagation

A. Iomin, I. M. Sokolov

1210.2236 (Michael Blank)

Stochastic stability of traffic maps    [PDF]

Michael Blank

1210.2239 (Vicente Garzó et al.)

Diffusion transport coefficients for granular binary mixtures at low
density. Second Sonine approximation

Vicente Garzó, J. Aaron Murray, Francisco Vega Reyes

1210.2262 (Alessandro Sfondrini)

An introduction to universality and renormalization group techniques    [PDF]

Alessandro Sfondrini

1210.2283 (Hartmut H K Lentz et al.)

Unfolding accessibility provides a macroscopic approach to temporal

Hartmut H K Lentz, Thomas Selhorst, Igor M Sokolov

1210.2336 (Carla Bosia et al.)

Modeling competing endogenous RNAs networks    [PDF]

Carla Bosia, Andrea Pagnani, Riccardo Zecchina

1210.2338 (Matteo Figliuzzi et al.)

MicroRNAs as a selective, post-transcriptional channel of communication
between ceRNAs: a steady-state theory

Matteo Figliuzzi, Enzo Marinari, Andrea De Martino

Monday, October 8, 2012

1207.2978 (Dvir Kafri et al.)

Holevo's bound from a general quantum fluctuation theorem    [PDF]

Dvir Kafri, Sebastian Deffner

1210.1610 (Y. S. Cho et al.)

Discontinuous percolation in diffusion-limited cluster aggregation    [PDF]

Y. S. Cho, Y. W. Kim, B. Kahng

1210.1614 (Yael S. Elmatad et al.)

Space-time phase transitions in the East model with a softened kinetic

Yael S. Elmatad, Robert L. Jack

1210.1620 (K. Tsutsui et al.)

Studying Superfluid Transition of a Dilute Bose Gas by Conserving

K. Tsutsui, T. Kita

1210.1657 (Alex Szorkovszky et al.)

Thermomechanical squeezing below the 3dB limit    [PDF]

Alex Szorkovszky, George A. Brawley, Andrew C. Doherty, Warwick P. Bowen

1210.1713 (Matteo Nicoli et al.)

Coarsening dynamics in 1D: the phase diffusion equation and its
numerical implementation

Matteo Nicoli, Chaouqi Misbah, Paolo Politi

1210.1764 (Wei Zhao et al.)

Chirality in Block Copolymer Melts: Mesoscopic Helicity from
Inter-Segment Twist

Wei Zhao, Thomas P. Russell, Gregory M. Grason

1210.1842 (Mohammad F. Maghrebi et al.)

A Scattering Approach to the Dynamical Casimir Effect    [PDF]

Mohammad F. Maghrebi, Ramin Golestanian, Mehran Kardar

Friday, October 5, 2012

1210.1225 (Scott D. Geraedts et al.)

Monte Carlo Study of a $U(1)\times U(1)$ Loop Model with Modular

Scott D. Geraedts, Olexei I. Motrunich

1210.1235 (E. Abad et al.)

Survival probability of an immobile target in a sea of evanescent
diffusive or subdiffusive traps: a fractional equation approach

E. Abad, S. B. Yuste, Katja Lindenberg

1210.1249 (Gcina A. Mavimbela et al.)

Fluctuating Phases and Fluctuating Relaxation Times in Glass Forming

Gcina A. Mavimbela, Horacio E. Castillo, Azita Parsaeian

1210.1260 (Alvaro Corral et al.)

Variability of North Atlantic hurricanes: seasonal versus
individual-event features

Alvaro Corral, Antonio Turiel

1210.1276 (Avik Halder et al.)

Statistical Physics Analysis of Maximum a Posteriori Estimation for
Multi-channel Hidden Markov Models

Avik Halder, Ansuman Adhikary

1210.1309 (Virgile Bocchetti et al.)

Melting of Rare-Gas Crystals: Monte Carlo Simulation versus Experiments    [PDF]

Virgile Bocchetti, Hung T. Diep

1210.1313 (Yuki Minami et al.)

Relativistic hydrodynamics from projection operator method    [PDF]

Yuki Minami, Yoshimasa Hidaka

1210.1382 (Manisha Thakurathi et al.)

Fidelity susceptibility of one-dimensional models with twisted boundary

Manisha Thakurathi, Diptiman Sen, Amit Dutta

1210.1398 (Alexander Moreno et al.)

Charge and Spin Fractionalization Beyond the Luttinger Liquid Paradigm    [PDF]

Alexander Moreno, Alejandro Muramatsu, J. M. P. Carmelo

1210.1415 (D. Prokhorov et al.)

Asymptotic formulas for integer partitions within the approach of
microcanonical ensemble

D. Prokhorov, A. Rovenchak

1210.1437 (S. L. A. de Queiroz)

Critical line of honeycomb-lattice anisotropic Ising antiferromagnets in
a field

S. L. A. de Queiroz

1210.1452 (Jonathan Bergknoff et al.)

Casimir force in the O(n -> infinity) model with free boundary

Jonathan Bergknoff, Daniel Dantchev, Joseph Rudnick

1210.1466 (David Dasenbrook et al.)

Semiclassical polaron dynamics of impurities in ultracold gases    [PDF]

David Dasenbrook, Andreas Komnik

1210.1482 (Chikashi Arita et al.)

Density profiles of the exclusive queueing process    [PDF]

Chikashi Arita, Andreas Schadschneider

1210.1495 (Róbert Juhász)

Disordered contact process with asymmetric spreading    [PDF]

Róbert Juhász

Thursday, October 4, 2012

1108.3119 (Pankaj A. Apte et al.)

Nonmonotonic dependence of the absolute entropy on temperature in
supercooled Stillinger-Weber silicon

Pankaj A. Apte, Arvind K. Gautam

1210.0989 (Ashivni Shekhawat et al.)

From damage percolation to crack nucleation through finite size

Ashivni Shekhawat, Stefano Zapperi, James P. Sethna

1210.1081 (Carsten F. E. Schroer et al.)

Anomalous diffusion of driven particles in supercooled liquids    [PDF]

Carsten F. E. Schroer, Andreas Heuer

1210.1085 (O. V. Gendelman)

Exact solutions for discrete breathers in forced-damped chain    [PDF]

O. V. Gendelman

1210.1122 (A. D'Arrigo et al.)

Hidden entanglement in the presence of random telegraph dephasing noise    [PDF]

A. D'Arrigo, R. Lo Franco, G. Benenti, E. Paladino, G. Falci

1210.1124 (Joost A. van den Ende et al.)

Effect of temperature and velocity on superlubricity    [PDF]

Joost A. van den Ende, Astrid S. de Wijn, Annalisa Fasolino

1210.1133 (Paolo Muratore-Ginanneschi)

On the use of stochastic differential geometry for non-equilibrium
thermodynamics modeling and control

Paolo Muratore-Ginanneschi

1210.1202 (P. L. Krapivsky et al.)

Void formation in diffusive lattice gases    [PDF]

P. L. Krapivsky, Baruch Meerson, Pavel V. Sasorov

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

1008.2821 (Makoto Katori et al.)

Complex Brownian Motion Representation of the Dyson Model    [PDF]

Makoto Katori, Hideki Tanemura

1102.2690 (Christian Maes et al.)

Monotonicity of the dynamical activity    [PDF]

Christian Maes, Karel Netocny, Bram Wynants

1110.2931 (Chi Ho Yeung et al.)

Networking - A Statistical Physics Perspective    [PDF]

Chi Ho Yeung, David Saad

1210.0018 (Alan Gabel et al.)

Survival of the Weaker    [PDF]

Alan Gabel, Baruch Meerson, S. Redner

1210.0058 (I. F. Herrera-González et al.)

Heat conduction in systems with Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser phase space

I. F. Herrera-González, H. I. Pérez-Aguilar, A. Mendoza-Suárez, E. S Tututi

1210.0133 (Naoto Tsuji et al.)

Nonthermal antiferromagnetic order and nonequilibrium criticality in the
Hubbard model

Naoto Tsuji, Martin Eckstein, Philipp Werner

1210.0134 (Salvatore Torquato et al.)

Effect of Dimensionality on the Percolation Threshold of Overlapping
Nonspherical Hyperparticles

Salvatore Torquato, Yang Jiao

1210.0245 (Étienne Marcotte et al.)

Nonequilibrium static growing length scales in supercooled liquids on
approaching the glass transition

Étienne Marcotte, Frank H. Stillinger, Salvatore Torquato

1210.0274 (Nicholas R. Beaton)

The critical surface fugacity of self-avoiding walks on a rotated
honeycomb lattice

Nicholas R. Beaton

1210.0331 (István M. Szécsényi et al.)

Spectral expansion for finite temperature two-point functions and

István M. Szécsényi, Gábor Takács

1210.0337 (Jana Cisarova et al.)

Unconventional quantum ordered and disordered states in the highly
frustrated spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg model on triangles-in-triangles lattices

Jana Cisarova, Jozef Strecka

1210.0344 (C. Strunk)

Thermodynamics and the Quantum Transport of Particles and Entropy    [PDF]

C. Strunk

1210.0364 (N. S. Tonchev et al.)

Some inequalities in the fidelity approach to phase transitions    [PDF]

N. S. Tonchev, J. G. Brankov

1210.0373 (Miguel Hoyuelos)

GENERIC framework for reaction diffusion systems    [PDF]

Miguel Hoyuelos

1210.0388 (Hirofumi Yamada)

Inverse Laplace transform on the lattice spacing    [PDF]

Hirofumi Yamada

1210.0392 (Riccardo Fantoni)

The density of a fluid on a curved surface    [PDF]

Riccardo Fantoni

1210.0414 (B. Çakmak et al.)

Quantum Correlations in a Few-Atom Spin-1 Bose-Hubbard Model    [PDF]

B. Çakmak, G. Karpat, Z. Gedik

1210.0425 (Michel Bauer et al.)

Iterated Stochastic Measurements    [PDF]

Michel Bauer, Denis Bernard, Tristan Benoist

1210.0492 (Cesare Nardini et al.)

Kinetic theory of nonequilibrium stochastic long-range systems: Phase
transition and bistability

Cesare Nardini, Shamik Gupta, Stefano Ruffo, Thierry Dauxois, Freddy Bouchet

1210.0811 (Victor Bapst et al.)

The Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm applied to random optimization problems:
the quantum spin glass perspective

Victor Bapst, Laura Foini, Florent Krzakala, Guilhem Semerjian, Francesco Zamponi

1210.0889 (Michael T Gastner et al.)

The geometry of percolation fronts in two-dimensional lattices with
spatially varying densities

Michael T Gastner, Beata Oborny

Monday, October 1, 2012

1209.6379 (Young C. Kim et al.)

Crowding induced entropy-enthalpy compensation in protein association

Young C. Kim, Jeetain Mittal

1209.6380 (Shamik Gupta et al.)

Overdamped dynamics of long-range systems on a one-dimensional lattice:
Dominance of the mean-field mode and phase transition

Shamik Gupta, Alessandro Campa, Stefano Ruffo

1209.6526 (Carsten F. E. Schroer et al.)

Microrheology of supercooled liquids in terms of a continuous time
random walk

Carsten F. E. Schroer, Andreas Heuer

1209.6585 (Renan S. Sander et al.)

Absorbing state phase transitions with infinitely many absorbing states
in complex networks

Renan S. Sander, Silvio C. Ferreira, Romualdo Pastor-Satorras

1209.6588 (Tomaz Prosen)

Generic examples of PT-symmetric qubit (spin 1/2) Liouvillians    [PDF]

Tomaz Prosen

1209.6622 (Grzegorz Szamel)

Mode-coupling theory and beyond: a diagrammatic approach    [PDF]

Grzegorz Szamel