Tuesday, July 31, 2012

1207.6719 (V. I. Gerasimenko et al.)

Mean Field Asymptotics of Generalized Quantum Kinetic Equation    [PDF]

V. I. Gerasimenko, Zh. A. Tsvir

1207.6740 (N. J. Zhou et al.)

Numerical simulation of the anti-ferromagnetic transition in iron-based

N. J. Zhou, B. Zheng, J. H. Dai

1207.6752 (Shu Tanaka et al.)

Entanglement Spectra of the quantum hard-square model: Holographic
minimal models

Shu Tanaka, Ryo Tamura, Hosho Katsura

1207.6771 (Tokuro Shimokawa et al.)

Ferrimagnetism of the Heisenberg Models on the Quasi-One-Dimensional
Kagome Strip Lattices

Tokuro Shimokawa, Hiroki Nakano

1207.6790 (Yan V. Fyodorov et al.)

Critical Behaviour of the Number of Minima of a Random Landscape at the
Glass Transition Point and the Tracy-Widom distribution

Yan V. Fyodorov, Celine Nadal

1207.6872 (Ken Funo et al.)

Thermodynamic Work Gain from Entanglement    [PDF]

Ken Funo, Yu Watanabe, Masahito Ueda

1207.6879 (Mieke Gorissen et al.)

Exact Current Statistics of the ASEP with Open Boundaries    [PDF]

Mieke Gorissen, Alexandre Lazarescu, Kirone Mallick, Carlo Vanderzande

1207.6887 (Amir Bar et al.)

Denaturation of Circular DNA: Supercoils and Overtwist    [PDF]

Amir Bar, Alkan Kabakçıoğlu, David Mukamel

1207.6891 (V. Karimipour et al.)

An algorithmic proof for the completeness of two-dimensional Ising model    [PDF]

V. Karimipour, M. H. Zarei

1207.6909 (Dries Sels et al.)

Wigner distribution functions for complex dynamical systems: a path
integral approach

Dries Sels, Fons Brosens, Wim Magnus

1207.6977 (Erol Vatansever et al.)

Investigation of oscillation frequency and disorder induced dynamic
phase transitions in a quenched-bond diluted Ising ferromagnet

Erol Vatansever, Umit Akinci, Yusuf Yuksel, Hamza Polat

1207.7005 (Roberto Bondesan et al.)

Rectangular amplitudes, conformal blocks, and applications to loop

Roberto Bondesan, Jesper Lykke Jacobsen, Hubert Saleur

1207.7014 (R. A. Baños et al.)

The correspondence between long-range and short-range spin glasses    [PDF]

R. A. Baños, L. A. Fernandez, V. Martin-Mayor, A. P. Young

1207.7021 (Barry Bradlyn et al.)

Kubo formulas for viscosity: Hall viscosity, Ward identities, and the
relation with conductivity

Barry Bradlyn, Moshe Goldstein, N. Read

Friday, July 27, 2012

1111.6177 (Oliver Riordan et al.)

Achlioptas processes are not always self-averaging    [PDF]

Oliver Riordan, Lutz Warnke

1207.6117 (Guy Bunin et al.)

Non differentiable large-deviation functionals in boundary-driven
diffusive systems

Guy Bunin, Yariv Kafri, Daniel Podolsky

1207.6135 (P. L. Krapivsky)

Reaction-Diffusion Processes with Nonlinear Diffusion    [PDF]

P. L. Krapivsky

1207.6149 (E. Munoz et al.)

A single Dirac-fermion Quantum Heat Engine    [PDF]

E. Munoz, F. J. Pena

1207.6156 (Kohei Motegi et al.)

Long time asymptotics of the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process    [PDF]

Kohei Motegi, Kazumitsu Sakai, Jun Sato

1207.6175 (Spencer Backman)

A Bijection Between the Recurrent Configurations of a Hereditary
Chip-Firing Model and Spanning Trees

Spencer Backman

1207.6190 (Valery Ilyin et al.)

Fokker-Planck equation with memory: the cross over from ballistic to
diffusive processes in many particle systems and incompressible media

Valery Ilyin, Itamar Procaccia, Anatoly Zagorodny

1207.6204 (Meng Lee Leek)

Mathematical Details in the application of Non-equilibrium Green's
Functions (NEGF) and Quantum Kinetic Equations (QKE) to Thermal Transport

Meng Lee Leek

1207.6245 (Suman Sinha et al.)

Dynamical Properties of Random Field Ising Model    [PDF]

Suman Sinha, Pradipta Kumar Mandal

1207.6254 (Piero Olla)

Demographic noise as a triggering mechanism for algal blooms    [PDF]

Piero Olla

1207.6270 (Mauro Mobilia)

Commitment versus persuasion in the three-party constrained voter model    [PDF]

Mauro Mobilia

1207.6284 (Laurent Boué et al.)

Enhancement of intermittency in superfluid turbulence    [PDF]

Laurent Boué, Victor L'vov, Anna Pomyalov, Itamar Procaccia

1207.6319 (Gasper Tkacik et al.)

The simplest maximum entropy model for collective behavior in a neural

Gasper Tkacik, Olivier Marre, Thierry Mora, Dario Amodei, Michael J. Berry II, William Bialek

1207.6332 (Amir Aghamohammadi et al.)

The spectrum and the phase transition of models solvable through the
full interval method

Amir Aghamohammadi, Mohammad Khorrami

1207.6334 (A. M. Gainutdinov et al.)

Associative algebraic approach to logarithmic CFT in the bulk: the
continuum limit of the gl(1|1) periodic spin chain, Howe duality and the
interchiral algebra

A. M. Gainutdinov, N. Read, H. Saleur

1207.6349 (J. S. Langer)

Ising Model of the Glassy Correlation Length    [PDF]

J. S. Langer

Thursday, July 26, 2012

1201.1595 (Shane Squires et al.)

Dynamical Instability in Boolean Networks as a Percolation Problem    [PDF]

Shane Squires, Edward Ott, Michelle Girvan

1207.5751 (Anton Peshkov et al.)

Simple and faithful nonlinear field equations for aligning
self-propelled rods

Anton Peshkov, Igor S. Aranson, Eric Bertin, Hugues Chaté, Francesco Ginelli

1207.5810 (Michele Starnini et al.)

Ordering dynamics of the multi-state voter model    [PDF]

Michele Starnini, Andrea Baronchelli, Romualdo Pastor-Satorras

1207.5818 (Pankaj Mehta et al.)

Efficiency bounds for nonequilibrium heat engines    [PDF]

Pankaj Mehta, Anatoli Polkovnikov

1207.5836 (John M. Hopkinson et al.)

Antiferromagnetic Ising model on the sorrel net: a new frustrated
corner-shared triangle lattice

John M. Hopkinson, Jarrett J. Beck

1207.5847 (Babak Fotouhi et al.)

Growing a Network on a Given Substrate    [PDF]

Babak Fotouhi, Michael Rabbat

1207.5849 (Babak Fotouhi et al.)

Migration in a Small World: A Network Approach to Modeling Immigration

Babak Fotouhi, Michael G. Rabbat

1207.5855 (F. Landes et al.)

Tuning spreading and avalanche size exponents in directed percolation
with modified activation probabilities

F. Landes, E. A. Jagla, Alberto Rosso

1207.5921 (G. Bimonte et al.)

Exact results for classical Casimir interactions: Dirichlet and Drude
model in the sphere-sphere and sphere-plane geometry

G. Bimonte, T. Emig

1207.5941 (B. Basu-Mallick et al.)

The exactly solvable spin Sutherland model of B_N type and its related
spin chain

B. Basu-Mallick, F. Finkel, A. Gonzalez-Lopez

1207.5983 (Loren Coquille et al.)

On the discrete Gaussian Free Field with disordered pinning on Z^d,
d\geq 2

Loren Coquille, Piotr Miłoś

1207.5987 (Alexander V. Bobylev et al.)

From particle systems to the Landau equation: a consistency result    [PDF]

Alexander V. Bobylev, Mario Pulvirenti, Chiara Saffirio

1207.6001 (C. -I. Chou et al.)

Generalized Rayleigh and Jacobi processes and exceptional orthogonal

C. -I. Chou, C. -L. Ho

1207.6010 (Stefanos Papanikolaou et al.)

Isostaticity at Frictional Jamming    [PDF]

Stefanos Papanikolaou, Corey S. O'Hern, Mark D. Shattuck

1207.6014 (Martin Horvat et al.)

Railway switch transport model    [PDF]

Martin Horvat, Tomaz Prosen, Giuliano Benenti, Giulio Casati

1207.6026 (Loreto Oyarte et al.)

Phase Transition in a Out-of-equilibrium Monolayer of Dipolar Vibrated

Loreto Oyarte, Pablo Gutiérrez, Sébastien Aumaître, Nicolás Mujica

1207.6044 (Welles A. M. Morgado et al.)

The role of the nature of the noise in the thermal conductance of
mechanical systems

Welles A. M. Morgado, Silvio M. Duarte Queiros

1207.6070 (Debashish Chowdhury)

Stochastic mechano-chemical kinetics of molecular motors: a
multidisciplinary enterprise from a physicist's perspective

Debashish Chowdhury

1207.6074 (Sergio Caracciolo et al.)

Exact integration of height probabilities in the Abelian Sandpile Model    [PDF]

Sergio Caracciolo, Andrea Sportiello

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

1111.1313 (Michio Otsuki et al.)

Critical scaling of jammed system after quench of temperature    [PDF]

Michio Otsuki, Hisao Hayakawa

1207.4903 (Rahul Marathe et al.)

Deterministic and stochastic descriptions of gene expression dynamics    [PDF]

Rahul Marathe, Veronika Bierbaum, David Gomez, Stefan Klumpp

1207.4906 (Rahul Marathe et al.)

Sources of stochasticity in constitutive and autoregulated gene

Rahul Marathe, David Gomez, Stefan Klumpp

1207.5052 (Stephen Inglis et al.)

A Wang-Landau method for calculating Renyi entropies in
finite-temperature quantum Monte Carlo simulations

Stephen Inglis, Roger G. Melko

1207.5059 (François Impens et al.)

Non-local double-path Casimir phase shifts in atom interferometers    [PDF]

François Impens, Ryan O. Behunin, Claudio Ccapa Ttira, Paulo A. Maia Neto

1207.5084 (A. S. F. Tenório et al.)

Quantum phase transitions in alternating spin-(1/2, 5/2) Heisenberg

A. S. F. Tenório, R. R. Montenegro-Filho, M. D. Coutinho-Filho

1207.5172 (Kwok Sau Fa)

Tsallis statistics and Langevin equation with multiplicative noise in
different orders of prescription

Kwok Sau Fa

1207.5268 (R. Brak et al.)

Constant term solution for an arbitrary number of osculating lattice

R. Brak, W. Galleas

1207.5283 (W. Galleas)

Refined functional relations for the elliptic SOS model    [PDF]

W. Galleas

1207.5356 (Yidan Wang et al.)

A hierarchy of self-consistent stochastic boundary conditions for Ising
lattice simulations

Yidan Wang, You Quan Chong, Siew Ann Cheong

1207.5405 (Pan Zhang)

Inference of kinetic Ising model on sparse graphs    [PDF]

Pan Zhang

1207.5416 (Gaëtan Borot et al.)

Resolvent methods for steady premixed flame shapes governed by the
Zhdanov-Trubnikov equation

Gaëtan Borot, Bruno Denet, Guy Joulin

1207.5417 (Haibin Li et al.)

The origin of normal heat conduction in one-dimensional classics system    [PDF]

Haibin Li, Xiaotian Xin

1207.5455 (Joshua T. Berryman et al.)

A GPS Navigator for the Free Energy Landscape, Used to Find the
Chirality-Switching Salt Concentration of DNA

Joshua T. Berryman, Tanja Schilling

1207.5475 (Norman Gundlach et al.)

Jammed disks in narrow channel: criticality and ordering tendencies    [PDF]

Norman Gundlach, Michael Karbach, Dan Liu, Gerhard Muller

1207.5500 (Amir Dembo et al.)

The replica symmetric solution for Potts models on d-regular graphs    [PDF]

Amir Dembo, Andrea Montanari, Allan Sly, Nike Sun

Monday, July 23, 2012

1110.3489 (Ivan Corwin et al.)

Tropical Combinatorics and Whittaker functions    [PDF]

Ivan Corwin, Neil O'Connell, Timo Seppäläinen, Nikos Zygouras

1207.4877 (Alessandro Sergi et al.)

Non-Hermitian quantum dynamics of a two-level system and models of
dissipative environments

Alessandro Sergi, Konstantin G. Zloshchastiev

1207.4887 (Yuma Murata et al.)

Ensemble Inequivalence in the Spherical Spin Glass Model with Nonlinear

Yuma Murata, Hidetoshi Nishimori

1207.4932 (S. Belli et al.)

Free Minimization of the Fundamental Measure Theory Functional: Freezing
of Parallel Hard Squares and Cubes

S. Belli, M. Dijkstra, R. van Roij

1207.5021 (A. Prados et al.)

Nonlinear driven diffusive systems with dissipation: fluctuating

A. Prados, A. Lasanta, Pablo I. Hurtado

1207.5035 (Alexei Borodin et al.)

From duality to determinants for q-TASEP and ASEP    [PDF]

Alexei Borodin, Ivan Corwin, Tomohiro Sasamoto

Friday, July 20, 2012

1107.0568 (Doron Cohen)

Lecture Notes in Statistical Mechanics and Mesoscopics    [PDF]

Doron Cohen

1112.1194 (Bruno Andreotti et al.)

Shear flow of non-Brownian suspensions close to jamming    [PDF]

Bruno Andreotti, Jean-Louis Barrat, Claus Heussinger

1112.2263 (Ali Naji et al.)

Sample-to-sample torque fluctuations in a system of coaxial randomly
charged surfaces

Ali Naji, Jalal Sarabadani, David S. Dean, Rudolf Podgornik

1112.2848 (V. D. Seleznev et al.)

Fluctuations, Trajectory Entropy, and Ziegler's Maximum Entropy

V. D. Seleznev, L. M. Martyushev

1112.5988 (P. I. Hurtado et al.)

Compact Waves in Microscopic Nonlinear Diffusion    [PDF]

P. I. Hurtado, P. L. Krapivsky

1203.2756 (Igor Loutsenko et al.)

On Exact Multi-fractal Spectrum of the Whole-Plane SLE_kappa    [PDF]

Igor Loutsenko, Oksana Yermolayeva

1207.4050 (M. Correggi et al.)

The Free Energy of the Quantum Heisenberg Ferromagnet at Large Spin    [PDF]

M. Correggi, A. Giuliani

1207.4351 (Yuta Takahashi et al.)

Noncolliding Brownian Motion with Drift and Time-Dependent
Stieltjes-Wigert Determinantal Point Process

Yuta Takahashi, Makoto Katori

1207.4499 (Raphael Flore et al.)

Functional renormalization group of the non-linear sigma model and the
O(N) universality class

Raphael Flore, Andreas Wipf, Omar Zanusso

1207.4513 (Rouven Frassek et al.)

From Baxter Q-Operators to Local Charges    [PDF]

Rouven Frassek, Carlo Meneghelli

1207.4540 (Xintian Wu et al.)

Finite size behaviors of critical Ising model on a rectangle with free

Xintian Wu, Nickolay Izmailian, Wenan Guo

1207.4569 (Santosh Mogurampelly et al.)

Unraveling siRNA Unzipping Kinetics with Graphene    [PDF]

Santosh Mogurampelly, Swati Panigrahi, Dhananjay Bhattacharyya, A. K. Sood, Prabal K. Maiti

1207.4573 (Vahid Rezvani et al.)

Electromagnetic fluctuation-induced interactions in randomly charged

Vahid Rezvani, Jalal Sarabadani, Ali Naji, Rudolf Podgornik

1207.4576 (David S. Dean et al.)

Wrapping Transition and Wrapping-Mediated Interactions for Discrete
Binding along an Elastic Filament: An Exact Solution

David S. Dean, Thomas C. Hammant, Ronald R. Horgan, Ali Naji, Rudolf Podgornik

1207.4614 (Yan V. Fyodorov et al.)

Counting function fluctuations and extreme value threshold in
multifractal patterns: the case study of an ideal $1/f$ noise

Yan V. Fyodorov, Pierre Le Doussal, Alberto Rosso

1207.4621 (V. I. Yukalov)

Difference in Bose-Einstein condensation of conserved and unconserved

V. I. Yukalov

1207.4623 (Dario Villamaina et al.)

Statistics of entanglement production in a chaotic dot with non-ideal

Dario Villamaina, Pierpaolo Vivo

1207.4691 (Patrick B. Warren et al.)

Computing sensitivity coefficients in Brownian dynamics simulations by
Malliavin weight sampling

Patrick B. Warren, Rosalind J. Allen

1207.4752 (Gia-Wei Chern et al.)

Dipolar order by disorder in the classical Heisenberg antiferromagnet on
the kagome lattice

Gia-Wei Chern, R. Moessner

1207.4777 (Ross Dorner et al.)

Emergent thermodynamics in a quenched quantum many-body system    [PDF]

Ross Dorner, John Goold, Cecilia Cormick, Mauro Paternostro, Vlatko Vedral

1207.4786 (Attila Szolnoki et al.)

Defense mechanisms of empathetic players in the spatial ultimatum game    [PDF]

Attila Szolnoki, Matjaz Perc, Gyorgy Szabo

Thursday, July 19, 2012

1103.2937 (Claire A. Lemarchand et al.)

Elastic fluctuations as observed in a confocal slice    [PDF]

Claire A. Lemarchand, A. C. Maggs, Michael Schindler

1201.1264 (Luis Carlos Garcia del Molino et al.)

Condensation in randomly perturbed zero-range processes    [PDF]

Luis Carlos Garcia del Molino, Paul Chleboun, Stefan Grosskinsky

1207.4401 (V. H. P. Louzada et al.)

How to suppress undesired synchronization    [PDF]

V. H. P. Louzada, N. A. M. Araújo, J. S. Andrade Jr, H. J. Herrmann

1207.4214 (Yunxin Zhang et al.)

One-Dimensional Birth-Death Process and Delbrück-Gillespie Theory of
Mesoscopic Nonlinear Chemical Reactions

Yunxin Zhang, Hao Ge, Hong Qian

1207.4238 (Xue-Feng Zhang et al.)

Superradiant Solid in Cavity QED Coupled to a Lattice of Rydberg Gas    [PDF]

Xue-Feng Zhang, Qing Sun, Yu-Chuan Wen, Wu-Ming Liu, Sebastian Eggert, An-Chun Ji

1207.4256 (Esteban A. Martinez et al.)

Dynamics and thermodynamics of linear quantum open systems    [PDF]

Esteban A. Martinez, Juan Pablo Paz

1207.4266 (Alexander Gutfraind et al.)

Multiscale Network Generation    [PDF]

Alexander Gutfraind, Lauren Ancel Meyers, Ilya Safro

1207.4315 (J. E. Galván-Moya et al.)

Structural transitions in vertically and horizontally coupled parabolic
channels of Wigner crystals

J. E. Galván-Moya, K. Nelissen, F. M. Peeters

1207.4320 (J. E. Galván-Moya et al.)

Ginzburg-Landau theory of the zig-zag transition in
quasi-one-dimensional classical Wigner crystals

J. E. Galván-Moya, F. M. Peeters

1207.4333 (Claudio Castellano et al.)

Universal and non-universal features of the generalized voter class for
ordering dynamics

Claudio Castellano, Romualdo Pastor-Satorras

1207.4354 (A. Verga)

Vicinal surface growth: bunching and meandering instabilities    [PDF]

A. Verga

1207.4355 (Alexandros Alexakis et al.)

Critical exponents in zero dimensions    [PDF]

Alexandros Alexakis, François Pétrélis

1207.4395 (Tomaz Prosen)

PT-symmetric quantum Liouvillean dynamics    [PDF]

Tomaz Prosen

1207.4406 (Sergey K. Nemirovskii)

Energy spectrum of the 3D velocity field, induced by vortex tangle    [PDF]

Sergey K. Nemirovskii

1207.4409 (Pierre Gaspard)

Fluctuation relations for equilibrium states with broken discrete

Pierre Gaspard

1207.4430 (P. R. O. da Silva et al.)

Potts model with q=3 and 4 states on directed Small-World network    [PDF]

P. R. O. da Silva, F. W. S. Lima, R. N. Costa Filho

1207.4442 (Marco Tomassini et al.)

Complex-network analysis of combinatorial spaces: The NK landscape case    [PDF]

Marco Tomassini, Sébastien Verel, Gabriela Ochoa

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

1106.2226 (Lionel Levine et al.)

The looping constant of Z^d    [PDF]

Lionel Levine, Yuval Peres

1109.2545 (Peter Olsson et al.)

Duality in Shearing Rheology Near the Athermal Jamming Transition    [PDF]

Peter Olsson, S. Teitel

1111.1494 (Evan Hohlfeld et al.)

Scale and Nature of Sulcification Patterns    [PDF]

Evan Hohlfeld, L. Mahadevan

1205.1738 (P. A. Varotsos et al.)

Order parameter fluctuations in natural time and b-value variation
before large earthquakes

P. A. Varotsos, N. V. Sarlis, E. S. Skordas

1207.3811 (Arda Halu et al.)

Monochromaticity in Neutral Evolutionary Network Models    [PDF]

Arda Halu, Ginestra Bianconi

1207.3820 (Jean-Marie Stéphan et al.)

Entanglement in gapless resonating valence bond states    [PDF]

Jean-Marie Stéphan, Hyejin Ju, Paul Fendley, Roger G. Melko

1207.3881 (Illarion Dorofeyev)

Coupled quantum oscillators within independent quantum reservoirs    [PDF]

Illarion Dorofeyev

1207.3883 (Imam Tashdid ul Alam et al.)

Integrability as a consequence of discrete holomorphicity: the Z_N model    [PDF]

Imam Tashdid ul Alam, Murray T. Batchelor

1207.3892 (T. H. Beuman et al.)

Stochastic geometry and topology of non-Gaussian fields    [PDF]

T. H. Beuman, A. M. Turner, V. Vitelli

1207.3930 (Nicolas Pose et al.)

Conductivity of Coniglio-Klein clusters    [PDF]

Nicolas Pose, Nuno A. M. Araujo, Hans J. Herrmann

1207.3938 (S. Amokrane et al.)

Accurate prediction of the glass transition in classical fluids: a
pragmatic modification of the mode coupling theory

S. Amokrane, F. Tchangnwa Nya, J. M. Ndjaka

1207.3939 (Yong Xu et al.)

Lévy Noise-Induced Stochastic Resonance in a Bistable System    [PDF]

Yong Xu, Juanjuan Li, Jing Feng, Huiqing Zhang, Wei Xu, Jinqiao Duan

1207.3970 (Alfred Hucht et al.)

Sheared Ising models in three dimensions    [PDF]

Alfred Hucht, Sebastian Angst

1207.3977 (Gilberto M. Kremer)

The Boltzmann equation in special and general relativity    [PDF]

Gilberto M. Kremer

1207.3978 (Gilberto M. Kremer)

Relativistic Ohm and Fourier laws for binary mixtures of electrons with
protons and photons

Gilberto M. Kremer

1207.3994 (Xiaoran Yan et al.)

Model Selection for Degree-corrected Block Models    [PDF]

Xiaoran Yan, Jacob E. Jensen, Florent Krzakala, Cristopher Moore, Cosma Rohilla Shalizi, Lenka Zdeborova, Pan Zhang, Yaojia Zhu

1207.4003 (Stefan Schnabel et al.)

Fictitious excitations in the classical Heisenberg antiferromagnet on
the kagome lattice

Stefan Schnabel, David P. Landau

1207.4008 (J. F. Fernández et al.)

Pair correlation function for spin glasses    [PDF]

J. F. Fernández, J. J. Alonso

1207.4014 (Jean-Michel Caillol)

Critical line of the $Φ^4$ theory on a simple cubic lattice in the
local potential approximation

Jean-Michel Caillol

1207.4057 (Kazumitsu Sakai)

Multiple Schramm-Loewner evolutions for conformal field theories with
Lie algebra symmetries

Kazumitsu Sakai

1207.4062 (Christian Beck et al.)

Statistics of Lagrangian quantum turbulence    [PDF]

Christian Beck, Shihan Miah

1207.4106 (J. Ricardo G. Mendonça)

Exact eigespectrum of the symmetric simple exclusion process on the
complete, complete bipartite, and related graphs

J. Ricardo G. Mendonça

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

1107.1926 (Elena G. Strekalova et al.)

Nanoparticle Confinement in Anomalous Liquids    [PDF]

Elena G. Strekalova, Jiayuan Luo, H. Eugene Stanley, Giancarlo Franzese, Sergey V. Buldyrev

1201.3190 (Laurent Bruneau et al.)

Landauer-Büttiker formula and Schrödinger conjecture    [PDF]

Laurent Bruneau, Vojkan Jaksic, Claude-Alain Pillet

1201.5170 (Junya Tamaki et al.)

Field theory analysis of S=1 antiferromagnetic bond-alternating chains
in the dimer phase

Junya Tamaki, Masaki Oshikawa

1207.3552 (Takahiro Ezaki et al.)

Balance network of asymmetric simple exclusion process    [PDF]

Takahiro Ezaki, Katsuhiro Nishinari

1207.3349 (H. C. Peñate-Rodriguez et al.)

A Langevin canonical approach to the dynamics of two level systems. I.
Populations and coherences

H. C. Peñate-Rodriguez, A. Dorta-Urra, P. Bargueno, G. Rojas-Lorenzo, S. Miret-Artes

1207.3355 (Don N. Page)

Generalized Jarzynski Equality    [PDF]

Don N. Page

1207.3360 (Igor R. Klebanov et al.)

Is Renormalized Entanglement Entropy Stationary at RG Fixed Points?    [PDF]

Igor R. Klebanov, Tatsuma Nishioka, Silviu S. Pufu, Benjamin R. Safdi

1207.3366 (Baoming Tang et al.)

A Short Introduction to Numerical Linked-Cluster Expansions    [PDF]

Baoming Tang, Ehsan Khatami, Marcos Rigol

1207.3390 (Y. Izumida et al.)

Minimally nonlinear irreversible thermodynamics for low dissipation
Carnot refrigerators

Y. Izumida, K. Okuda, A. Calvo Hernández, J. M. M. Roco

1207.3427 (Diego Prada-Gracia et al.)

Towards a microscopic description of the free-energy landscape of water    [PDF]

Diego Prada-Gracia, Roman Shevchuk, Peter Hamm, Francesco Rao

1207.3447 (G. A. Canova et al.)

Reply to "Incommensurate vortices and phase transitions in
two-dimensional XY models with interaction having auxiliary minima" by S. E.

G. A. Canova, F. C. Poderoso, J. J. Arenzon, Y. Levin

1207.3484 (Haiping Fang et al.)

Demonstration of the existence of biased transportation in the
asymmetric nanoscale systems induced by thermal noise from a simple
mathematics perspective

Haiping Fang, Rongzheng Wan

1207.3505 (Enrico Scalas et al.)

Velocity and energy distributions in microcanonical ensembles of hard

Enrico Scalas, Adrian T. Gabriel, Edgar Martin, Guido Germano

1207.3559 (Julián Candia et al.)

Far-from-equilibrium growth of thin films in a temperature gradient    [PDF]

Julián Candia, Ezequiel V. Albano

1207.3641 (A. C. Barato et al.)

On the symmetry of current probability distributions in jump processes    [PDF]

A. C. Barato, R. Chetrite

1207.3647 (M. C. Stewart et al.)

The phase behaviour and structure of a fluid confined between competing
(solvophobic and solvophilic) walls

M. C. Stewart, R. Evans

1207.3670 (Jaya Maji et al.)

Efimov effect of triple stranded DNA: Real Space Renormalization Group
and Zeros of partition function

Jaya Maji, Somendra M. Bhattacharjee

1207.3745 (Floriana Gargiulo et al.)

Influence of opinion dynamics on the evolution of games    [PDF]

Floriana Gargiulo, Jose J. Ramasco

Monday, July 16, 2012

1009.2340 (Gerd E. Schröder-Turk et al.)

Minkowski Tensors of Anisotropic Spatial Structure    [PDF]

Gerd E. Schröder-Turk, Walter Mickel, Sebastian C. Kapfer, Fabian M. Schaller, Boris Breidenbach, Daniel Hug, Klaus Mecke

1207.3076 (Tridib Sadhu et al.)

Modelling proportionate growth    [PDF]

Tridib Sadhu, Deepak Dhar

1207.2974 (Jan Ludvig Vinningland et al.)

Family-Vicsek scaling of detachment fronts in Granular Rayleigh Taylor
Instabilities during sedimenting granular/fluid flows

Jan Ludvig Vinningland, Renaud Toussaint, Michael Niebling, Eirik Grude Flekkøy, Knut Jørgen Måløy

1207.3174 (D. A. Johnston)

Gonihedric (and Fuki-Nuke) Order    [PDF]

D. A. Johnston

1207.3199 (A. S. Sanz et al.)

Incoherent tunneling surface diffusion for interacting adsorbates    [PDF]

A. S. Sanz, R. Martinez-Casado, S. Miret-Artes

1207.3225 (Martin P. Magiera et al.)

Dynamically induced vortices and the influence of domain walls    [PDF]

Martin P. Magiera, Alfred Hucht, Haye Hinrichsen, Silvio R. Dahmen, Dietrich E. Wolf

1207.3259 (M. Oncák et al.)

On extrapolation of virial coefficients of hard spheres    [PDF]

M. Oncák, A. Malijevský, J. Kolafa, S. Labík

1207.3298 (Eric Akkermans et al.)

Spatial Log Periodic Oscillations of First-Passage Observables in

Eric Akkermans, Olivier Benichou, Gerald Dunne, Alexander Teplyaev, Raphael Voituriez

1207.3340 (Christian R. Scullard)

The computation of generalized percolation critical polynomials by the
deletion-contraction algorithm

Christian R. Scullard

Friday, July 13, 2012

1201.0464 (Alina Ciach et al.)

Effect of mesoscopic fluctuations on equation of state in
cluster-forming systems

Alina Ciach, Oksana Patsahan

1201.2771 (A. Santos et al.)

Rational-function approximation for fluids interacting via piece-wise
constant potentials

A. Santos, S. B. Yuste, M. López de Haro

1207.2788 (S. Gomez et al.)

Diffusion dynamics on multiplex networks    [PDF]

S. Gomez, A. Diaz-Guilera, J. Gomez-Gardeñes, C. J. Perez-Vicente, Y. Moreno, A. Arenas

1207.2853 (Maria Chiara Angelini et al.)

Compressed sensing with sparse, structured matrices    [PDF]

Maria Chiara Angelini, Federico Ricci-Tersenghi, Yoshiyuki Kabashima

1207.2893 (G. Claussen et al.)

Analysis of the loop length distribution for the negative weight
percolation problem in dimensions d=2 through 6

G. Claussen, L. Apolo, O. Melchert, A. K. Hartmann

1207.2960 (Tridib Sadhu et al.)

An interface phase transition induced by a driven line in 2D    [PDF]

Tridib Sadhu, Zvi Shapira, David Mukamel

1207.2975 (S. Hlushak et al.)

Simplified exponential approximation for thermodynamics of a hard-core
repulsive Yukawa fluid

S. Hlushak, A. Trokhymchuk

1207.2989 (O. Patsahan et al.)

The method of collective variables: a link with the density functional

O. Patsahan, I. Mryglod

1207.3030 (Yuriy Dublenych)

Ground States of the Ising Model on the Shastry-Sutherland Lattice and
the Origin of the Fractional Magnetization Plateaus in Rare-Earth

Yuriy Dublenych

1207.3041 (Hyunhang Park et al.)

Domain growth and aging scaling in coarsening disordered systems    [PDF]

Hyunhang Park, Michel Pleimling

1207.3044 (S. L. A. de Queiroz)

Current-activity versus local-current fluctuations in driven flow with

S. L. A. de Queiroz

1207.3047 (S. H. Ebrahimnazhad Rahbari et al.)

Attracted Diffusion-Limited Aggregation    [PDF]

S. H. Ebrahimnazhad Rahbari, A. A. Saberi

Thursday, July 12, 2012

1112.2079 (G. D. Paparo et al.)

Google in a Quantum Network    [PDF]

G. D. Paparo, M. A. Martin-Delgado

1207.2507 (A. N. Gorban et al.)

Thermodynamics in the Limit of Irreversible Reactions    [PDF]

A. N. Gorban, E. M. Mirkes, G. S. Yablonsky

1207.2532 (Julián Candia et al.)

Nonequilibrium Critical Behavior of Magnetic Thin Films Grown in a
Temperature Gradient

Julián Candia, Ezequiel V. Albano

1207.2553 (S. Hwang et al.)

First passage time for random walks in heterogeneous networks    [PDF]

S. Hwang, D. -S. Lee, B. Kahng

1207.2573 (Alberto Antonioni et al.)

Degree Correlations in Random Geometric Graphs    [PDF]

Alberto Antonioni, Marco Tomassini

1207.2582 (J. Sirker)

The Luttinger liquid and integrable models    [PDF]

J. Sirker

1207.2587 (Rafael Sánchez et al.)

Detection of single electron heat transfer statistics    [PDF]

Rafael Sánchez, Markus Büttiker

1207.2589 (Alvaro Corral et al.)

Branching processes, criticality, and self-organization: application to
natural hazards

Alvaro Corral, Francesc Font-Clos

1207.2650 (H. C. Braga et al.)

Monogamy of Quantum Discord by Multipartite Correlations    [PDF]

H. C. Braga, C. C. Rulli, Thiago R. de Oliveira, M. S. Sarandy

1207.2709 (Baruch Fischer et al.)

When does lasing become a condensation phenomenon?    [PDF]

Baruch Fischer, Rafi Weill

1207.2712 (Alon Schwartz et al.)

Multi-dimensional laser mode combs (mode hyper-combs)    [PDF]

Alon Schwartz, Baruch Fischer

1207.2755 (Poulomi Sadhukhan et al.)

Signature of special behaviours of $1/r^2$ interaction in the quantum
entanglement entropy

Poulomi Sadhukhan, Somendra M. Bhattacharjee

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

1207.2168 (D. A. Mazilu et al.)

Cooperative sequential adsorption models on a Cayley tree: analytical
results and applications

D. A. Mazilu, I. Mazilu, A. M. Seredinski, V. O. Kim, B. M. Simpson, W. E. Banks

1207.2185 (Zachary G. Nicolaou et al.)

Mechanical Metamaterials with Negative Compressibility Transitions    [PDF]

Zachary G. Nicolaou, Adilson E. Motter

1207.2192 (G. M. Wysin et al.)

Thermal vortex dynamics in thin circular ferromagnetic nanodisks    [PDF]

G. M. Wysin, W. Figueiredo

1207.2209 (Adrian A. Budini)

A generalized fluctuation relation for power-law distributions    [PDF]

Adrian A. Budini

1207.2218 (A. Bhattacharyay)

Conformation dependent damping and generalization of
fluctuation-dissipation relation

A. Bhattacharyay

1207.2242 (F. Stadler et al.)

Inhomogeneous ensembles of correlated random walkers    [PDF]

F. Stadler, C. Metzner, J. Steinwachs, B. Fabry

1207.2247 (Christophe Chatelain et al.)

Exact correlation functions in particle-reaction models with immobile

Christophe Chatelain, Malte Henkel, Mário J. De Oliveira, Tânia Tomé

1207.2255 (Sven Banisch et al.)

Aggregation and Emergence in Agent-Based Models: A Markov Chain Approach    [PDF]

Sven Banisch, Ricardo Lima, Tanya Araújo

1207.2267 (Banasri Basu et al.)

Magnetic field dependence of the entanglement entropy of one dimensional
spin systems in quantum phase transition induced by a quench

Banasri Basu, Pratul Bandyopadhyay, Priyadarshi Majumdar

1207.2328 (Pan Zhang et al.)

Comparative Study for Inference of Hidden Classes in Stochastic Block

Pan Zhang, Florent Krzakala, Jörg Reichardt, Lenka Zdeborová

1207.2349 (S. E. Korshunov)

Incommensurate vortices and phase transitions in two-dimensional XY
models with interaction having auxiliary minima

S. E. Korshunov

1207.2377 (Mikko J. Alava et al.)

Droplet spreading and pinning on heterogeneous substrates    [PDF]

Mikko J. Alava, Martin Dube

1207.2427 (Luca Giuggioli et al.)

Encounter times in spatially-heterogeneous populations and their role in
epidemic spread

Luca Giuggioli, Sebastian Pérez-Becker, David P. Sanders

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

1006.3522 (Markus Heyl et al.)

The Crooks relation in optical spectra - universality in work
distributions for weak local quenches

Markus Heyl, Stefan Kehrein

1009.5700 (Onuttom Narayan et al.)

Lack of Hyperbolicity in Asymptotic Erdös--Renyi Sparse Random Graphs    [PDF]

Onuttom Narayan, Iraj Saniee, Gabriel H. Tucci

1012.2209 (Markus Heyl et al.)

The Crooks relation and its connection to the detailed balance principle
of equilibrium correlation functions

Markus Heyl, Stefan Kehrein

1106.5922 (Inês Aniceto et al.)

The Resurgence of Instantons in String Theory    [PDF]

Inês Aniceto, Ricardo Schiappa, Marcel Vonk

1110.2565 (V. T. Volov)

The Energy Transformation Limit Theorem for Gas Flow Systems    [PDF]

V. T. Volov

1207.1724 (Francesco Mancarella et al.)

Statistical Interparticle Potential of an Ideal Gas of Non-Abelian

Francesco Mancarella, Andrea Trombettoni, Giuseppe Mussardo

1207.1725 (Arya Dhar et al.)

Chiral Mott insulator with staggered loop currents in the fully
frustrated Bose Hubbard model

Arya Dhar, Tapan Mishra, Maheswar Maji, Ramesh V. Pai, Subroto Mukerjee, Arun Paramekanti

1207.1804 (Francesco Turci et al.)

Exclusion Process on a Lattice with Dynamical Defects    [PDF]

Francesco Turci, Andrea Parmeggiani, Estelle Pitard, M. Carmen Romano, Luca Ciandrini

1207.1809 (Sergey Melnik et al.)

Dynamics on Modular Networks with Heterogeneous Correlations    [PDF]

Sergey Melnik, Mason A. Porter, Peter J. Mucha, James P. Gleeson

1207.1848 (Roberto da Silva et al.)

A Simple Non-Markovian Computational Model of the Statistics of Soccer
Leagues: Emergence and Scaling effects

Roberto da Silva, Mendeli Vainstein, Luis Lamb, Sandra Prado

1207.1859 (Michele Campisi et al.)

Reply to M. Meléndez and W. G. Hoover [arXiv:1206.0188v2]    [PDF]

Michele Campisi, Fei Zhan, Peter Talkner, Peter Hänggi

1207.1864 (Robert Rüger et al.)

Pattern formation in the dipolar Ising model on a two-dimensional
honeycomb lattice

Robert Rüger, Roser Valentí

1207.1868 (Simon Gruener et al.)

Anomalous Front Broadening During Spontaneous Imbibition in a Matrix
with Elongated Pores

Simon Gruener, Zeinab Sadjadi, Helen E. Hermes, Andrij V. Kityk, Klaus Knorr, Heiko Rieger, Patrick Huber

1207.1877 (Andrea Zoia et al.)

Branching exponential flights: travelled lengths and collision

Andrea Zoia, Eric Dumonteil, Alain Mazzolo, Sameh Mohamed

1207.1905 (Marcia M. Szortyka et al.)

Hydration and anomalous solubility of the Bell-Lavis model as solvent    [PDF]

Marcia M. Szortyka, Carlos E. Fiore, Marcia C. Barbosa, Vera B. Henriques

1207.1928 (G. Niccoli)

Antiperiodic dynamical 6-vertex and periodic 8-vertex models I: Complete
spectrum by SOV and matrix elements of the identity on separate states

G. Niccoli

1207.1956 (Stephanie Deboeuf et al.)

A comparative study of crumpling and folding of thin sheets    [PDF]

Stephanie Deboeuf, Eytan Katzav, Arezki Boudaoud, Daniel Bonn, Mokhtar Adda-Bedia

1207.1966 (Marianne Corvellec et al.)

A complete theory of low-energy phase diagrams for two-dimensional
turbulence steady states and equilibria

Marianne Corvellec, Freddy Bouchet

1207.1997 (Helen V. Gomonay et al.)

Peculiarities of the stochastic motion in antiferromagnetic

Helen V. Gomonay, Vadim M. Loktev

1207.2052 (O. V. Kliushnychenko et al.)

Induced long-time correlations in a two-component lattice gas    [PDF]

O. V. Kliushnychenko, S. P. Lukyanets

1207.2068 (Mathieu Grisolia et al.)

Multifractal scaling of flux penetration in the Iron-based
Superconductor Ba(Fe$_{0.925}$Co$_{0.075}$)$_{2}$As$_2$

Mathieu Grisolia, Cornelis J. van der Beek, Anne Forget, Dorothee Colson

1207.2072 (Mauro Mobilia)

Stochastic dynamics of the prisoner's dilemma with cooperation

Mauro Mobilia

1207.2079 (Jean Barbier et al.)

Compressed Sensing of Approximately-Sparse Signals: Phase Transitions
and Optimal Reconstruction

Jean Barbier, Florent Krzakala, Marc Mézard, Lenka Zdeborová

1207.2093 (R. L. Delgado et al.)

Two-step condensation of the charged Bose gas    [PDF]

R. L. Delgado, P. Bargueño, F. Sols

1207.2119 (Minos A. Neto et al.)

Phase diagrams of the transverse Ising antiferromagnet in the presence
of the longitudinal magnetic field

Minos A. Neto, J. Ricardo de Sousa

1207.2121 (Lucas S. Ferreira et al.)

The Rubber Band Revisited: Wang-Landau Simulation    [PDF]

Lucas S. Ferreira, Alvaro A. Caparica, Minos A. Neto, Mircea D. Galiceanu

Monday, July 9, 2012

1207.1252 (Paul Federbush)

The Dimer Gas Mayer Series, the Monomer-Dimer lambda_d(p), the Federbush

Paul Federbush

1207.1441 (Luca D'Alessio et al.)

Thermally isolated Luttinger liquids with noisy Hamiltonians    [PDF]

Luca D'Alessio, Armin Rahmani

1207.1523 (Ferenc Jarai-Szabo et al.)

Winning strategies in congested traffic    [PDF]

Ferenc Jarai-Szabo, Zoltan Neda

1207.1546 (Zhongzhi Zhang et al.)

Exact eigenvalue spectrum of a class of fractal scale-free networks    [PDF]

Zhongzhi Zhang, Zhengyi Hu, Yibin Sheng, Guanrong Chen

1207.1602 (Shuai Yin et al.)

Finite-time scaling of dynamic quantum criticality    [PDF]

Shuai Yin, Xizhou Qin, Chaohong Lee, Fan Zhong

1207.1615 (Tim Rogers et al.)

Spontaneous genetic clustering in populations of competing organisms    [PDF]

Tim Rogers, Alan J. McKane, Axel G. Rossberg

1207.1624 (Lasse Bøhling et al.)

No separate roles of repulsive and attractive forces for the physics of

Lasse Bøhling, Trond S. Ingebrigtsen, Arno Veldhorst, Nicholas P. Bailey, Jesper S. Hansen, Thomas B. Schrøder, Søren Toxvaerd, Jeppe C. Dyre

1207.1650 (Laura Foini et al.)

Dynamic correlations, fluctuation-dissipation relations, and effective
temperatures after a quantum quench of the transverse field Ising chain

Laura Foini, Leticia F. Cugliandolo, Andrea Gambassi

1207.1656 (Antonio Astillero et al.)

Velocity Distribution and Cumulants in the Unsteady Uniform Longitudinal
Flow of a Granular Gas

Antonio Astillero, Andrés Santos

1207.1658 (Andrés Santos et al.)

Relative Entropy of a Freely Cooling Granular Gas    [PDF]

Andrés Santos, Gilberto M. Kremer

Thursday, July 5, 2012

1207.0832 (Asja Jelić et al.)

Properties of pedestrians walking in line: Stepping behavior    [PDF]

Asja Jelić, Cécile Appert-Rolland, Samuel Lemercier, Julien Pettré

1207.0924 (Pablo Rodriguez-Lopez)

Casimir Effect in systems in and out of Equilibrium    [PDF]

Pablo Rodriguez-Lopez

1207.0929 (Roger Tribe et al.)

One dimensional annihilating and coalescing particle systems as extended
Pfaffian point processes

Roger Tribe, Siu Kwan Yip, Oleg Zaboronski

1207.0931 (Panpan Shu et al.)

Effects of Weak Ties on Epidemic Predictability in Community Networks    [PDF]

Panpan Shu, Ming Tang, Kai Gong, Ying Liu

1207.1006 (Ori Hirschberg et al.)

Motion of condensates in non-Markovian zero-range dynamics    [PDF]

Ori Hirschberg, David Mukamel, Gunter M. Schütz

1207.1018 (Marco Picco)

Critical behavior of the Ising model with long range interactions    [PDF]

Marco Picco

1207.1025 (D. Yu. Mishagli)

Long-range interaction between dust grains in plasma    [PDF]

D. Yu. Mishagli

1207.1026 (Matteo Smerlak)

Stochastic thermodynamics for inhomogeneous media    [PDF]

Matteo Smerlak

1207.1049 (B. Vakili et al.)

Thermostatistics with minimal length uncertainty relation    [PDF]

B. Vakili, M. A. Gorji

1207.1059 (Shunsuke Furukawa et al.)

Ground-state phase diagram of a spin-1/2 frustrated ferromagnetic XXZ
chain: Haldane dimer phase and gapped/gapless chiral phases

Shunsuke Furukawa, Masahiro Sato, Shigeki Onoda, Akira Furusaki

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

0904.3661 (Denis Comtesse et al.)

Thermodynamic Casimir Effect in the large-n limit    [PDF]

Denis Comtesse, Alfred Hucht, Daniel Grüneberg

1111.5128 (R. Vetter et al.)

Finite Element Simulation of Dense Wire Packings    [PDF]

R. Vetter, F. K. Wittel, N. Stoop, H. J. Herrmann

1112.3761 (Lele Zhang et al.)

A comparative study of Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams of arterial road
networks governed by adaptive traffic signal systems

Lele Zhang, Timothy M. Garoni, Jan de Gier

1207.0020 (Claudio Borile et al.)

Spontaneously Broken Neutral Symmetry in an Ecological System    [PDF]

Claudio Borile, Miguel A. Muñoz, Sandro Azaele, Jayanth R. Banavar, Amos Maritan

1207.0058 (Yu. E. Kuzovlev)

Quantum Brownian motion and a theorem on fundamental 1/f noise    [PDF]

Yu. E. Kuzovlev

1207.0061 (Wen-ge Wang)

Statistical description of small quantum systems beyond weak-coupling

Wen-ge Wang

1207.0095 (Cédric Weber et al.)

Anticollinear magnetic order induced by impurities in the frustrated
Heisenberg model of pnictides

Cédric Weber, Frédéric Mila

1207.0098 (Sourabh Lahiri et al.)

Fluctuation relations for heat engines in time-periodic steady states    [PDF]

Sourabh Lahiri, Shubhashis Rana, A. M. Jayannavar

1207.0225 (Jan-Hendrik Prinz et al.)

Spectral rate theory    [PDF]

Jan-Hendrik Prinz, John D. Chodera, Frank Noe

1207.0238 (Ronald Dickman et al.)

Exact solution of an information-theoretic model for communication    [PDF]

Ronald Dickman, Nicholas R. Moloney, Eduardo G. Altmann

1207.0243 (Djordje Minic et al.)

On the 3-point functions of Aging Dynamics and the AdS/CFT

Djordje Minic, Diana Vaman, Chaolun Wu

1207.0258 (Hidemaro Suwa et al.)

General Construction of Irreversible Kernel in Markov Chain Monte Carlo    [PDF]

Hidemaro Suwa, Synge Todo

1207.0259 (Paul A. Pearce et al.)

Off-Critical Logarithmic Minimal Models    [PDF]

Paul A. Pearce, Katherine A. Seaton

1207.0293 (Alexey A. Polotsky et al.)

Theory of mechanical unfolding of homopolymer globule: all-or-none
transition in force-clamp mode vs phase coexistence in position-clamp mode

Alexey A. Polotsky, Elizaveta E. Smolyakova, Tatiana M. Birshtein

1207.0298 (Moritz Helias et al.)

Echoes in correlated neural systems    [PDF]

Moritz Helias, Tom Tetzlaff, Markus Diesmann

1207.0303 (C. N. Gagatsos et al.)

Mutual information and Bose-Einstein condensation    [PDF]

C. N. Gagatsos, A. I. Karanikas, G. I. Kordas

1207.0336 (Pablo Rodriguez-Lopez)

Casimir Energy and Entropy between perfect metal Spheres    [PDF]

Pablo Rodriguez-Lopez

1207.0347 (Alexander L. Korzhenevskii et al.)

Relation Between Bulk and Interface Descriptions of Alloy Solidification    [PDF]

Alexander L. Korzhenevskii, Richard Bausch, Rudi Schmitz

1207.0349 (Yongjoo Baek et al.)

Fundamental Structural Constraint of Scale-Free Networks    [PDF]

Yongjoo Baek, Daniel Kim, Meesoon Ha, Hawoong Jeong

1207.0356 (Marco Bardoscia et al.)

Financial instability from local market measures    [PDF]

Marco Bardoscia, Giacomo Livan, Matteo Marsili

1207.0357 (Christian Hagendorf)

Spin chains with dynamical lattice supersymmetry    [PDF]

Christian Hagendorf

1207.0367 (Efim A. Brener et al.)

Kinetic cross coupling between non-conserved and conserved fields in
phase field models

Efim A. Brener, G. Boussinot

1207.0374 (Matthias Krüger et al.)

Trace formulae for non-equilibrium Casimir interactions, heat radiation
and heat transfer for arbitrary objects

Matthias Krüger, Giuseppe Bimonte, Thorsten Emig, Mehran Kardar

1207.0383 (Majid Mosayebi et al.)

Deformation of inherent structures to detect long-range correlations in
supercooled liquids

Majid Mosayebi, Emanuela Del Gado, Patrick Ilg, Hans Christian Öttinger

1207.0385 (Jorgen Rasmussen et al.)

Refined conformal spectra in the dimer model    [PDF]

Jorgen Rasmussen, Philippe Ruelle

1207.0434 (Dario Egloff et al.)

Laws of thermodynamics beyond the von Neumann regime    [PDF]

Dario Egloff, Oscar C. O. Dahlsten, Renato Renner, Vlatko Vedral

1207.0440 (S. R. Masharian et al.)

Relaxation time in a non-conserving driven-diffusive system with
parallel dynamics

S. R. Masharian, F. H. Jafarpour, A. Aghamohammadi

1207.0444 (D. Eloy et al.)

Entanglement Entropy of the Low-Lying Excited States and Critical
Properties of an Exactly Solvable Two-Leg Spin Ladder with Three-Spin

D. Eloy, J. C. Xavier

1207.0448 (G. J. Baxter et al.)

Avalanche Collapse of Interdependent Network    [PDF]

G. J. Baxter, S. N. Dorogovtsev, A. V. Goltsev, J. F. F. Mendes

1207.0524 (Eduardo H. Colombo et al.)

Nonlinear diffusion effects on biological population spatial patterns    [PDF]

Eduardo H. Colombo, Celia Anteneodo

1207.0531 (Antonio Scala)

Brownian Dynamics Simulation of Polydisperse Hard Spheres    [PDF]

Antonio Scala

1207.0568 (J. Ricardo G. Mendonça)

Exact field-driven interface dynamics in the two-dimensional stochastic
Ising model with helicoidal boundary conditions

J. Ricardo G. Mendonça

1207.0596 (L. Arkeryd)

On low temperature kinetic theory; spin diffusion, Bose Einstein
condensates, anyons

L. Arkeryd

1207.0608 (L. Zaninetti)

On the statistics of area size in two-dimensional thick Voronoi Diagrams    [PDF]

L. Zaninetti

1207.0623 (Pablo Rodriguez-Lopez et al.)

Stochastic Quantization and Casimir Forces: Pistons of Arbitrary Cross

Pablo Rodriguez-Lopez, Ricardo Brito, Rodrigo Soto

1207.0653 (David Speer et al.)

Dimer motion on a periodic substrate: Spontaneous symmetry breaking and
absolute negative mobility

David Speer, Ralf Eichhorn, Mykhaylo Evstigneev, Peter Reimann

1207.0659 (D. A. Matoz-Fernandez et al.)

Statistical thermodynamics of long straight rigid rods on triangular
lattices: nematic order and adsorption thermodynamic functions

D. A. Matoz-Fernandez, D. H. Linares, A. J. Ramirez-Pastor

1207.0744 (Oluwole Emmanuel Oyewande)

Surface science and Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation of disordered

Oluwole Emmanuel Oyewande

Monday, July 2, 2012

1111.6106 (V. P. Maslov)

Mathematical Conception of "Phenomenological" Equilibrium Thermodynamics    [PDF]

V. P. Maslov

1112.0870 (Duccio Fanelli et al.)

Multispecies reaction diffusion models and the Turing instability

Duccio Fanelli, Claudia Cianci, Francesca Di Patti

1112.3967 (Alexander Streltsov et al.)

Are general quantum correlations monogamous?    [PDF]

Alexander Streltsov, Gerardo Adesso, Marco Piani, Dagmar Bruss

1206.6932 (Tomohiko Sano et al.)

Simulation of granular jet: Is granular flow really a "perfect fluid?"    [PDF]

Tomohiko Sano, Hisao Hayakawa

1206.6972 (Satya N. Majumdar et al.)

Record statistics and persistence for a random walk with a drift    [PDF]

Satya N. Majumdar, Gregory Schehr, Gregor Wergen

1206.6975 (Claudio J. Tessone et al.)

Synchronised firing induced by network dynamics in excitable systems    [PDF]

Claudio J. Tessone, Damián H. Zanette

1206.7002 (Wahb Ettoumi et al.)

Action diffusion and lifetimes of quasistationary states in the
Hamiltonian Mean Field model

Wahb Ettoumi, Marie-Christine Firpo

1206.7004 (Cédric Bény et al.)

Information geometric approach to the renormalisation group    [PDF]

Cédric Bény, Tobias J. Osborne

1206.7006 (M. J. Greenall et al.)

Can amphiphile architecture directly control vesicle size?    [PDF]

M. J. Greenall, C. M. Marques

1206.7032 (O. Melchert et al.)

A computational mechanics approach to estimate entropy and (approximate)
complexity for the dynamics of the 2D Ising Ferromagnet

O. Melchert, A. K. Hartmann

1206.7033 (Srutarshi Pradhan et al.)

Noise induced rupture process: Phase boundary and universal scaling of
waiting time

Srutarshi Pradhan, Anjan K. Chandra, Bikas K. Chankrabarti

1206.7079 (Hong Qian)

Volume-Preserving Conservative Dynamics with Equilibrium Stochastic

Hong Qian

1206.7081 (Yu Xue et al.)

The noncommutative Kubo Formula: Applications to Transport in Disordered
Topological Insulators with and without Magnetic Fields

Yu Xue, Emil Prodan

1206.7119 (Xiaojie Chen et al.)

Impact of generalized benefit functions on the evolution of cooperation
in spatial public goods games with continuous strategies

Xiaojie Chen, Attila Szolnoki, Matjaz Perc, Long Wang